Log in to Online Courses
April 01, 2024
Message to all students...
Site has been migrated to https://elearning.bhakticourses.com
Students from IDC (English) and IDC (Hindi), please contact bhakticourses.idc@iskcon.net for migration to the new system.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for your support,
Bhakti Shastri System Admin,
Log in using your account on:
GoogleIs this your first time here?
Please read the following instructions carefully.
1. Please read Privacy policy, Terms and conditions, Cancellation and refund policy
2. For registering at this site, please sign up here.
3. In order to save your initial time in accessing the course, we have enabled enrollment directly at courses using Paypal/Paytm
4. Please check https://elearning.harekrsna.in/course/index.php for the list of available courses and quizzes.
(You shall be able to access them after enrolling in them)
5. We have allowed Guest access to view the course content.
6. Please read Site news at https://elearning.harekrsna.in/mod/forum/view.php?id=16